1. Screening Libraries
  2. Metabolic Enzyme Compound Library

Metabolic Enzyme Compound Library

(3,029) Cat. No.: HY-L146
Library Contents: XLSX PDF

Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions in organisms that maintain cell homeostasis. Metabolic pathways are enzyme-mediated biochemical reactions that lead to biosynthesis (anabolism) or breakdown (catabolism) of molecules including glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism and amino acid or protein metabolism within a cell or tissue. As catalysts, enzymes are crucial to metabolism as they allow a reaction to proceed more rapidly and tregulate the rate of a metabolic reaction. Due to the importance of metabolic balance in the organism, the abnormal function of metabolic enzymes often leads to the occurrence of a variety of metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, etc.

MCE designs a unique collection of 3,029 metabolic enzymes related small molecules, which is an important tool for studying the metabolic activities of organisms and developing drugs for metabolic diseases.

Size (Pre-dissolved DMSO or Solid) Price Stock
30 μL/well (10 mM solution) Get quote In-stock
50 μL/well (10 mM solution) Get quote In-stock
100 μL/well (10 mM solution) Get quote In-stock
250 μL/well (10 mM solution) Get quote In-stock

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